RIED   Illustrator, Futurist & Sci-Communicator                                                                                     

Innovative ideas from rural areas
Barnim & Uckermark in transition


4 scenarios were created in collaboration  with the Technical University of Berlin. Examples can be seen in which actors explore the potential and needs of their region and make it sustainable. Everything came together in a small A5 brochure. More about these projects: www.instagram.com/region4.0

Client: Center for Technology and Society (ZTG)
of the Technical University Berlin

Future Scenarios & Artefacts
Conceptual Scetches
Visual Leitmotif
Process & Information Design
Graphic Recording & Reporting

Enabling Spaces & Murals
Illustration as Ideation Method ToolKit
Illustrative Personas
Visual Workshop Tandem
Gif Animations

© ried studio 2023