A New Humanity – Online Conference
It was a very special and high pleasuring co-operation. Me, 1E9-Co-Founder Wolfgang Kerler and the Chatbot Job have been in dialogue with the 1E9-Community about A New Humanity.
Conception & Design Process
Main goal was to create a strategy how to involve the 1E9-Community into the up-coming event and topic »A New Humanity«. DAY I: 01 First of all an article with speculative scetches was published related to the topics mobility, body, living and food. 02 Based on that I created 4 half speculative half dystopian objects. Chat Bot Job, the first artificial Design Thinker, was fed with those artefacts to share his insights of the future with the community. The community was asked what ideas they may have about those artefacts. What they see? What functions thos objects may have? How they might help us to create a better world? An exciting first step of starting a mind-process. 03 After collecting all rough ideas, me and one of the 1E9 co-founder, Krischan, invited to a live-stream session during the event to get deeper into the 4 topics. 04 A sketch conclusion came up by me and was mirrored back to all guests. DAY II: 05 Most requested ideas became part of a future city scenario, embedded into a minimal style. It came out that the members prefer a city which can be seen as experimental field where people use the mobility as a possibility to travel in an adventury way. Examples were »Catapult« as well as »Skating along the building fassades«. 06 The next step will be to create an organic growing archiv next months, where all members can become co-visionaries.
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Geteilte Fahrräder, urbane Kommunen, Stadtgemüse: So möchte die 1E9-Community in Zukunft leben
Client: Wolfgang Kerler, 1E9 Denkfabrik GmbH
It was a very special and high pleasuring co-operation. Me, 1E9-Co-Founder Wolfgang Kerler and the Chatbot Job have been in dialogue with the 1E9-Community about A New Humanity.
Conception & Design Process
Main goal was to create a strategy how to involve the 1E9-Community into the up-coming event and topic »A New Humanity«. DAY I: 01 First of all an article with speculative scetches was published related to the topics mobility, body, living and food. 02 Based on that I created 4 half speculative half dystopian objects. Chat Bot Job, the first artificial Design Thinker, was fed with those artefacts to share his insights of the future with the community. The community was asked what ideas they may have about those artefacts. What they see? What functions thos objects may have? How they might help us to create a better world? An exciting first step of starting a mind-process. 03 After collecting all rough ideas, me and one of the 1E9 co-founder, Krischan, invited to a live-stream session during the event to get deeper into the 4 topics. 04 A sketch conclusion came up by me and was mirrored back to all guests. DAY II: 05 Most requested ideas became part of a future city scenario, embedded into a minimal style. It came out that the members prefer a city which can be seen as experimental field where people use the mobility as a possibility to travel in an adventury way. Examples were »Catapult« as well as »Skating along the building fassades«. 06 The next step will be to create an organic growing archiv next months, where all members can become co-visionaries.
You find more here:
Geteilte Fahrräder, urbane Kommunen, Stadtgemüse: So möchte die 1E9-Community in Zukunft leben
Client: Wolfgang Kerler, 1E9 Denkfabrik GmbH