Die bewegte Stadt
In collaboration with Die Umwelt-Akademie e.V. and Raphael Reimann from movelab. We addressed how the future mobility might look like in Munich from the point of view of youngsters. Result was a visual conclusion, a range of great visions which spread a good vibe of a sustainable and socially just future.
Client: Raphael Reimann, move lab
Die Umwelt-Akademie e.V., Netzwerk Klimaherbst e.V.
In collaboration with Die Umwelt-Akademie e.V. and Raphael Reimann from movelab. We addressed how the future mobility might look like in Munich from the point of view of youngsters. Result was a visual conclusion, a range of great visions which spread a good vibe of a sustainable and socially just future.
Client: Raphael Reimann, move lab
Die Umwelt-Akademie e.V., Netzwerk Klimaherbst e.V.