RIED   Illustrator, Futurist & Sci-Communicator                                                                                     



ikigai is a japanese concept that means “a reason for being”. It closely reflects the inner self of an individual, and helps to find the purpose of life. Thomas Dönnebrink is life coach and is pursues a meditative-intuitive approach to open up the ikigai for people. It was a pleasure for me to illustrate these individual results of each person in the form of a "visual ikigai". A great final gift for participants to keep the personal reason of being in mind.

Coach and Co-Partner: Thomas Dönnebrink

Future Scenarios & Artefacts
Conceptual Scetches
Visual Leitmotif
Process & Information Design
Graphic Recording & Reporting

Enabling Spaces & Murals
Illustration as Ideation Method ToolKit
Illustrative Personas
Visual Workshop Tandem
Gif Animations

© ried studio 2023